Ixxat CAN­ob­ser­ver, firm­ware update not possible

Some years ago Ixxat orde­red a spe­cial ver­si­on of the CAN­ob­ser­ver (PR-22560 – 00) with firm­ware ver­si­on 1.17 /1.18 and Ixxat bran­ding at GEMAC. This ver­si­on is based on an out­da­ted ver­si­on of Java and does not work on modern computers.

Newer firm­ware ver­si­ons with a modern user inter­face based on HTML5 requi­re the GEMAC-ver­si­on of CAN­ob­ser­ver (PR-22550 – 00)

We offer to exch­an­ge the old Ixxat CAN­ob­ser­ver for the actu­al GEMAC-ver­si­on. You get a dis­count on the new devices when you send in your old devices. Future firm­ware updates and func­tion exten­si­ons are then free of char­ge for you.

Plea­se cont­act our sup­port.

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Article last edited on Article first published on
2019/​09/​27 2017/​01/​18