New soft­ware ver­si­ons CAN­touch, CAN-Bus Tes­ter 2 and CANvision

CAN­touch Ver­si­on 2.1

What – mea­su­red at the ver­si­on num­ber – looks like a small step (2.0 to 2.1), is a lar­ge impro­ve­ment and gre­at increase in new functions.

The new soft­ware ver­si­on for CAN­touch comes with some inte­res­t­ing new fea­tures, which not only ease the hand­ling but also pro­vi­de new mea­su­re­ment func­tion­a­li­ties. As always all our cus­to­mers bene­fit from this, also tho­se who bought their CAN­touch a time ago. One new mea­su­re­ment app is pro­vi­ded with a license.

Automatic Quick Test ScreenshotAuto­ma­tic Quick Test

This new func­tion is for a quick over­view of all mea­su­re­ment values that can be deter­mi­ned by CAN­touch. In order to do this, the baud rate is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly detec­ted and a con­ti­nuous mea­su­re­ment beg­ins. The eva­lua­ti­on of the six free apps is sym­bo­li­zed with a smi­ley. Also, the qua­li­ty levels of all bus nodes are eva­lua­ted and shown, even if no licen­se for the node mea­su­re­ment is available. The smi­ley repres­ents the worst mea­su­re­ment within the last mea­su­re­ment cycle. With a sin­gle click, one can switch into the respec­ti­ve app and start the troubleshooting.
If the Auto­ma­tic Quick Test goes through wit­hout any yel­low or red smi­ley, the bus is working pro­per­ly in most cases. So it is much easier for litt­le-trai­ned employes to iden­ti­fy a fail­ure-free bus. The test is loca­ted left of the home screen, so it starts mea­su­ring by swi­ping the home screen to the right.

CANtouch Control Center ScreenshotCon­trol Center

The Con­trol Cen­ter opens with a simp­le swi­pe from below on every screen and can be used to chan­ge the fol­lo­wing set­tings or run the­se commands:

  • make a screenshot
  • chan­ge baud rate
  • start auto­ma­tic baud rate scan
  • chan­ge bit timing (swit­ches into set­tings menu)
  • switch Lis­ten-Only-Mode
  • chan­ge ground reference
  • switch lan­guage
  • switch key­board beep
  • chan­ge dis­play brightness
  • switch bright­ness automatic

CANtouch Onlinetrigger Screenshot

CANtouch Onlinetrigger Screenshot


New to CAN­touch is the app Online Trig­ger (licen­se neces­sa­ry). This app was only available to CAN-Bus Tes­ter 2 and is the main task of CAN­ob­ser­ver (the­re deter­mi­ned by the sys­tem with some dif­fe­ren­ces in the ran­ge of func­tions). This app makes it pos­si­ble to moni­tor the bus over a lon­ger time peri­od for errors and track excee­dings of indi­vi­du­al settable thresholds.

Occur­ring errors are signal­ed in a track per type of error and signal­ed with a tone (if wan­ted). Spo­ra­dic pro­blems can be found easier. The­re is also the opti­on to stop the mea­su­re­ment at a trig­ger event and show the faul­ty tele­gram. The oscil­lo­gram is decoded (as far as possible).

Becau­se it tracks not only logi­cal errors but also pro­blems of the phy­si­cal lay­er, this mea­su­re­ment app is an important tool for trou­ble­shoo­ting, espe­ci­al­ly when spo­ra­dic errors occur. But one has not to wait until pro­blems mani­fest in errors. The free­ly adjus­ta­ble thres­holds give the pos­si­bi­li­ty for a pre­dic­ti­ve main­ten­an­ce. Within the time axis, it is cle­ar­ly shown, when thres­holds have been excee­ded. So, for ins­tance, it is pos­si­ble to detect pro­blems of a cable car­ri­er at spe­ci­fic ben­ding radii by wor­sening of phy­si­cal values.

CANtouch Wiring Test ScreenshotBus wiring

The Bus Wiring app was revi­sed and now shows all errors that occur­red, not only the first one. By this, it might be easier to draw con­clu­si­ons on the natu­re of a pro­blem and speed up troubleshooting.

CAN-Bus Tes­ter 2 soft­ware ver­si­on 4.6.7

The import of CAN­touch mea­su­re­ments was expan­ded. The Online Trig­ger is sligh­ly modi­fi­ca­ted to give the pos­si­bi­li­ty to import CAN­touch Online Trig­ger mea­su­re­ments and ana­ly­se this data at the pc.

Our popu­lar pro­to­col moni­tor soft­ware has been impro­ved com­pre­hen­si­ve­ly. Plea­se read about CAN­vi­si­on within the next passage.

August 2017

CANtouch in action
Screenshot 2.1
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